but with an easy 15-20 point lead through the majority of the game, it was one of the least stressful championship games i've ever watched. and i'm proud of my boys :)

this one was for parker, an adorable girl who had the best time (and in my opinion, looks uncannily like lucy from "chronicles of narnia.) though i'm still trudging through the 600+ photos that i took at the 2 hr party, i'm having a tough time deciding which ones to leave be and which ones to drag into photoshop to mess with. i do have several favorites that jumped out at me right off the bat...
renee as "miss divine" from fancy nancy books, and cutie pie parker.
this one makes me smile. it remind me of a bathroom mirror with women of any age--just primping :)
justin and i are both working tomorrow (no good friday off for us) and i have another two photo shoots planned for the weekend if the weather holds out. the only thing about not having studio space... at any rate, we'll be heading to fayetteville on saturday afternoon for easter celebrations with my family and will come on back home in time for more easter with justin's family. and i've just gotten justin's agreement that we'll dye eggs tomorrow night :) my favorite easter activity! more pictures of that to come, of course. i hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend and for the students/school people, have a fabulous spring break!
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