speaking of photos... i've decided to start my own "weekly" theme day called...

mainly because i scanned in a bunch of old photos this weekend and some of them are just too fun not to share. i also love looking at these pictures and remembering the stories that go with them. for the moment, they'll just be mainly of me. but next time i go home, i might pick up a few more that have good stories that go with them.

i always played in the sand, building castles and eventually, sand sculptures shaped like different animals. as a toddler, alan loved to destroy them. my family had to keep him away from the castles until i was positive i was done and alan was given permission to jump and stomp on my latest creation.
i still love to build sand castles and sculptures when i'm down at the beach. there's always a sand bucket and shovel in the trunk of my car, just in case we have an impromptu beach trip. drip castles, made out of the wet sand, are my favorite to do now.
what happy memories do you have of the beach?
What good pictures. I grew up in Fl and we went to the beach a lot. I remember having lots of fun daring the undertows. But I also remember getting pushed into a pole, by a wave, and having my leg get eat up by barnacles. Ah...the good days out weighed the bad.