Wednesday, September 30, 2009
a quick link
big mama is one of my favorites to read, mainly because of her humor, her genuineness and her fantastic writing.
she and boo mama cover a lot of the lifeway and beth moore events and they've both been compassion bloggers, but they're also both amazing writers that always make me laugh or think about things. and today's post by big mama (also known as melanie) did just that.
enjoy :)
(p.s. attempts at doing textures in photoshop, along with edited images from my "best friends" session with rachel and jess in the works. i promise.)
Monday, September 28, 2009
i heart faces: blue

i have lots of pictures that could have qualified. shades of cerulean ocean. carolina blue sky. turquoise-tinted rooms or crisp lakes in deep depths of navy.
but my favorite shade of blue comes in smaller forms :)

check out the other "blue" entries over at i heart faces this week!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
making things work
the photos were mainly to celebrate jackson's upcoming 2nd birthday. wooo, two year olds are tough! always on the move and not quite sure about strange young women with clicking, flashing black cameras.... it took a few minutes for him to warm up, but we were able to get some great shots. and i'm sure the downtown neighborhood enjoyed our renditions of "twinkle twinkle" and "itsy bitsy spider" to keep his attention!

watch out for this guy! hunter has a future as a model one day. he had lots of great ideas and was a natural in front of the camera...

Thursday, September 24, 2009
ready for fall
something different

Steel-Cut Oats are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into two or three pieces using steel discs. Golden in colour and resembling mini rice particles, they are as nature intended – nothing added and nothing taken out.
How are they different from Rolled Oats?
Rolled oats are flake oats that have been steamed, rolled, re-steamed and toasted. Due to all of this additional processing they have lost some of their natural taste, goodness and texture.

after about 20 minutes of cooking and minimal stirring, they were ready...

oh, and thanks for all of the support on the caffeine thing! today was tough again--i had a long drive to and from my client's house this afternoon, and i was hungry and yawning the whole time. i'm encouraged by everyone's stories, though, that it is worth it and it does get easier :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
what i lack in energy i make up for in good intentions
but... my weakness has been the stimulant drug legally (and occasionally naturally) found in many drinks and foods.
granted, it's not as bad a habit as others i've met. i remember when my brother could down a six pack of mountain dew without a slight increase in heart rate. my own husband was once known for drinking four coca colas during his work day. i've kept it simple--a nice mug of coffee in the morning and a diet, caffeinated soda at lunch (or tea sometimes.) i've always known that caffeine affects me so i don't drink it after 4 pm, usually, or i'll have trouble falling asleep. but when i miss it, man, do i miss it. headaches, tiredness, just feeling off.
and now i'm trying to kick it for good.
i'm two days in, and i'm feeling it. i'm doing a half caff coffee in the morning and planning on mixing decaf in slowly. i will do a scoop of flavored caff coffee just to give it a kick, but then it's water, crystal light or decaf sweet tea for the rest of the day.
i caught a whiff of this yesterday evening....

and i've totally been craving one of these....

Monday, September 21, 2009
golf carts and casseroles

later on in the weekend, i made a tasty casserole that i thought i'd share because it's just easy and delicious and has gotten some great reviews in the past. i call it "tasty chicken casserole." creative, right?
we start with cut up cooked chicken. you can boil it, you can saute it, you can get it (if you really want to) out of a can. however you want your chicken prepared. i chose to do two small dishes here--one for a couple with a new baby and one for us.

mmm....looks delicious, right? not really, but trust me, it's worth it.

have you met the sweet leaf tea granny? best tea in a bottle EVER. hold on, what's that still doing on the counter?

(thanks to anne c. for passing this along many years ago. i think i have a corn bread recipe of yours around here, too!)
i heart faces: candid

what do you do to pass the time?

head on over to "i heart faces" to see the other candid photos this week!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
scroll through fast enough and it's a flipbook!
(luckily, justin said he was so focused and it was so quick that he didn't have the chance to notice how many people were there. he's not big on the whole "center of attention with lots of people" thing. whereas i thrive on it. we're wonderfully opposite.)

tim lowering him down...

and then, of course, my flash didn't fire. so forgive me for the bluriness--

romans 8:12-17 (the message version)--
So don't you see that we don't owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There's nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!
This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what's coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him!
i just love the message. it's an amazing way to see the scriptures come alive.
(finally, cute baby pic. this little one is caleb. i'll post about the dinner i took to his parents last night sometime later this week!)

a new creation
the reason i'm nervous and anxious, but also so incredibly happy and joyful--is because tonight at small group, my husband is going to be baptized!
now some of you may be curious, because obviously i post on here quite often about our activities at church. "lauren, you just talked about spending multiple hours on end at church--you're there most every sunday, volunteer, and you and justin are in a small group. what's the deal with baptizing, especially now?"
both justin and i were sprinkle baptized as infants or children and grew up attending church. i was confirmed in middle school and my youth group and church were a huge part of my life growing up. i'm thankful for that and know that it is the core of who i am today.
in college, however, i took the opportunity to explore and try out some other churches. i'll be the first to admit that my relationship at the time had a huge play in that decision, but i don't regret it. there's nothing i can change about that and it has brought me to where i am now. that first year or two at college was a time for me to figure out what else was out there, test things out, and most importantly, make my faith my own.
and i did. i found a great church, a tight-knit college ministry and Bible study group. and now, baptism became a decision that i made on my own, symbolizing a new life in Christ. the old life, with my sins and mess and everything i had done wrong--it was gone, and grace, God's love, and Christ's sacrifice had given me a new life.

the immersion--it specifically represents a death to the old life, then being raised up again to a new life. being buried under the water, just as it was done in the Bible. romans 6:4 says, "we were, therefore, buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (quite coincedentally, this was a huge part of the sermon this morning during worship.)
so over the past year or so, we've been sharing the stories of our faith with our small group. we've taken the new member class at our church, and now it has become a decision that justin has made for himself, as well. a decision and an experience that he'll share with our friends and small group members this afternoon.
i'm excited about this evening and continuing this walk of faith with my amazing husband. i know that our God is a God of grace, of love and of forgiveness, and i pray that those who have gone before us and have lived their life for Christ will be with us one day.
i also pray that if your heart is moved, and if you want to make that decision--to have Christ call you one of His own--that you follow His command to be baptized and to live your life for Him. it's not an easy walk, and yes, we mess up and make mistakes and ask for forgiveness and start all over again. but with Him and with one another, we are able to make it through this earthly life and on to the eternal heaven.
we are never promised tomorrow, but we can rest in the promise of being together with Jesus in heaven as His children, His followers, His kingdom.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
happy birthday, jake!

and below, you can see jake doing his pirate "arrrrgh!" (we had already lost the game at this point, but he had good intentions.)

then it was time for cake and singing... (though he's out of focus, i LOVE this face.)

in the end, mom had to help out.