yesterday, justin and i traveled west to see my dad's side of the family for my cousin will's christening. it's hard to believe how quickly he has grown! and his big brother joseph is just a smaller version of my grandaddy joe.
we enjoyed a beautiful service and i snapped a quick picture during the big event.

then afterwards, we headed back to their house for lunch and to spend some time together. rachel was particularly smitten with will...

after a delicious lunch, numerous stories shared around the table, and looking at photos--we gathered together for a family picture out front (minus joseph--he wasn't feeling photogenic that day) and headed back home.

i came back just in time to meet up with brittany and brian for their engagement photos. we traveled out in the county to one of her friend's family farms, and i was loving the location!

again, just a quick sneak peek. i'm bogged down in editing right now and will be slowly tackling my mountain of photos...

but i will definitely have fun with them when it's their turn in a week or two!