it's pink week over at i heart faces, and i scoured my photo library to find a good selection. i don't have any pictures from breast cancer events specifically, but i love attending our local relay for life event every year. and as i was going through my photos from the past couple of years of relay for life, this one jumped out at me...

i don't like cancer either. i've seen it take the lives of family members and friends. i've watched others fight it, win the battle and go on living their lives as survivors. and with breast cancer in particular, i've supported my aunt and other relatives in their diagnosis and treatment. it is often treatable and the most important tool in fighting it is early detection.
please do regular monthly exams and your annual physical with your doctor. support cancer research through programs like relay for life with the american cancer society or breast cancer research with the susan g. komen foundation. click daily on
the breast cancer site to help fund mammograms (or purchase things through their store--i bought several of my christmas presents through their website last year and saved rainforest land, but it can go towards the breast cancer fund as well if you go through their particular store.)
and finally, check out the other "pink week" entries at
i heart faces this week!