Tuesday, November 24, 2009

brittany and brian: engagement pics

i met brittany and brian for their engagement pics several weeks ago and have finally caught up on the editing from that weekend! i'll be photographing their wedding in april, and i was so excited to meet them and get some more details about the big day. we visited a friend of the family's farm to get some of the awesome rural pics.
it was very important that this was a chevy--not ford--truck. i just loved the retro feel and the colors!

i loved these swings hanging beneath some of the big trees on the property. you could tell they had been here for a long time, and we found that out shortly after i took this picture and had brittany and brian scoot to one side of the swing. the shift in weight caused the swing to crash down--if only i had caught that on camera!

this is one of my favorites from the series in the field...

i saw these rocking chairs and had to use them! a cliche, perhaps, but a perfect evening in the south :)
we finished the shoot on the steps by the barn, and brittany did a great job of getting these candid shots that we both love--she knew just what to do!

my favorite of the day. brian pulled out a "gq" pose--i think every guy has this in him, it's just a matter of letting it show!
thanks, brittany and brian, and i can't wait for the wedding in april!