after visiting a few of my favorite blogs this morning, i learned that it was de-lurking day! a day where you finally make a comment on that blog that you always read but never say anything. a day to step out and say, "yes! i read your blog!" and i actually was just thinking about doing something like this (like mckmama's roll call a while back) after i responded to a couple of new comments on the nutrition post yesterday.
(i had to go on a google images search for another graphic because the one being used by other blogs includes a flasher and the phrase "show us your privates!" and y'all--that's just not me.)

so leave a comment today! share your blog address with us (if you have one) and let me know where you're from (according to google analytics, i had visitors from 37 countries last month) and how you found me (and if you're a IRL person--i get confused with comment names/e-mail addresses if it's someone that i really know or someone that's just a bloggy friend.) and i promise to spend some time tonight stopping by other blogs and checking in :)
happy delurking!