a week ago or so, i was having a craving for refined sugar. (anyone else ever get that? like you would hurt someone for a slice of birthday cake with rich, sugary, delicious frosting?) well, that's where i was. and we made a stop by
your perfect cake to get one (just one) of their amazing cupcakes. i had no cash and the cupcake was only going to cost $1.35 and i couldn't put just $1.35 on my debit card--so i chose one of the "pupcakes" right by the register to get a little bit closer to $5.
so then we saved the pupcake for a special occasion, and last week once we got home on Christmas day, we decided to give it to her.

we're calling this "dog vs. food" because though pepper may have a lot of energy and the ability to snag people food when you're not looking, she doesn't eat a lot in one sitting. i suppose we could have cut it in half and given her just small pieces, but we just took her food bowl up for the night so she wouldn't eat too much.
justin tried to start timing her, expecting the pupcake to be gone in a matter of seconds.

after about 5 minutes of licking the peanut butter icing off, he stopped timing her. obviously, this was going to take a while.

and about an hour later, she gave up.

in the battle of dog vs. food---food won.
(anyone else watch "man vs. food"? we love that show--adam richman is terribly entertaining and i am simply amazed by some of the meals he will eat.)
tonight, we're cheering on the pirates in the liberty bowl as they take on the university of arkansas razorbacks. i have high hopes for my pirates, but there's always this voice in the back of my head that says, "they're going to choke." too many years of cheering them on during the steve logan/john thompson eras. let's hope not :) ARRRRRGH!