but i had plans this weekend!
and now we're grounded. (so to speak.) i guess we're really not getting snowed in, but more "snowed out."
we were supposed to head over to the 5-7"/8-10" area out west to see jonah, matt and patrice this weekend... and if it weren't for that possible 8-10", i think we'd still try. but the ice and below freezing temps all weekend are going to make the drive pretty rough.

so we're staying in, (hopefully) picking up our order from the spring run market (i am actually pretty excited about being able to do this--i'll take lots of pictures!) and staying warm with lots of good meals planned. maybe i'll share the recipe for one of them...
and finally, i was pretty excited to see this come in my inbox this morning. my thirty-one consultant sent me the customer and hostess specials for february and march, and even though the new catalog isn't up yet, i can already spy a new pattern that is just adorable...
would anyone be interested in ordering something if i did a catalog show in a month or so? maybe march?
oh, and i plan to do lots of photo editing this weekend. that will be a positive result of having to stay in most of the day. i've finished our "yearbook" except for the cover, and i'll start on the disney book next week. i want to knock out a good portion of connie and travis' wedding and most of jessica's senior pictures. here's to motivation and getting stuff done :)