a few months ago we met to do connie's bridals. since connie and travis should be married by now (almost exactly if i time the posting schedule just right) i can finally share the bridal portraits!

(i had just gotten my florabella textures and overlays, so i was definitely experimenting with the textures around this time...)
we also had to shoot in full sun most of the time. i remember this day so clearly--i had sweated it out in the morning with brent, emelie and jake that morning, and then scheduled connie's shoot for the afternoon. and it was still so hot in the sun, but we tried to do our best to work with it!

(let me brag on her bridesmaids again--they were awesome and helped out so much--even holding up sheets and umbrellas to create shade when we needed it!)

this one is straight out of a bridal magazine :)

i love love love the tree in the background. those vines are just awesome!

one of my favorites (though i'm bringing my own ladder and nails out to fix that wood in the background.)

connie and i both agreed that she had the best natural smile in this picture.

and finally, the one we chose for the full portrait. i was definitely happy with how this turned out once we saw it on the full 16x20 canvas (i order big prints from mpix.com, just for the record. very happy with their prints and pricing.)

congratulations, connie and travis! so excited to have been a part of your big day today, and i can't wait to get working on the wedding photos :)