Tuesday, January 10, 2012

those in-between moments

we've been going from one big event to another over the past couple of weeks, but i had a collection of photos that were taken in between those big days. so--enjoy some of the randoms :)

this was an outfit i picked out for him for church. i love the layered polo look, and it's helped us keep using some of the short-sleeved shirts through the winter.

yes, he knows what to do when you put a camera in front of him :)

cutie pie!

and after our trip to trader joe's last week, i was putting away the groceries and noticed that the recyclable friendly bags also had other purposes---like some fun gift tags you could cut out and use....

and some cute garland you could cut and paste together. yet another reason i love trader joe's. 

davis is all about bathtime---even to the point where he has tried to get in his bathtub during the day to play with those toys. and honestly, i didn't see a reason why not to let him in there...so on days where we've been home most of the time, he will get in the tub to play for a while :)

he is such a water baby--love that he inherited that from us!
another photo from that day--we ended up taking a trip to the dollar tree and purchased a cheap broom. with a little bit of work, we turned it into a little mini broom for davis to play with! he's always trying to use our big one and can't quite get it to work.... problem solved!

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