so--the 2009 list--updated for 2010
1) take care of myself--this means in general, exercise, eat better, take vitamins, get sleep.
this one is staying on the list. honestly, i feel good. but the scale would disagree with me. i just got the EA sports active game for the wii and have good intentions of using it consistently this year. and i'm very intrigued by the commercials i keep seeing for skechers shape-ups. one of my friends from work just got a pair and loves them--claims that they are helping her with better posture. i just like that they come in numerous cute styles. and in person, that crazy heel does not look as crazy as you'd think. especially if you're already short and your jeans are consistently too long anyways...

2) read the Bible and keep up with daily devotions.
this one is staying on. i need to make better use of my morning time. less time spent reading blogs/facebook and more exercising and doing devotionals. hold me to it, internet.
3) compile a family tree for me and justin for six generations of family (up to our great-great-grandparents.)
staying on the list just to follow-through. i actually have a good deal of information for justin's side, and my side's information is pretty easy to get to. AND i found the way that i want to display it! i really was looking for something more modern that would fit in our decor, and when dooce was doing her holiday lists last month, she linked to this website that has several cool, do-it-yourself ways of creating your family tree. now, we'd need two of these to fit both sets of information on it, but i could see pairing them side by side on a wall or above a bed for a really neat display.

4) finish my provisional status for my license for clinical social work.
CHECK! off the list. thank goodness.
5) go on a big vacation with justin.
CHECK! i'm pretty content with small vacations now. long weekends for our anniversary, to visit friends, and maybe a trip within the state with family. i've done disney--and now we can dream big for many years further down the road. we still talk about wanting to do another cruise, maybe even a european one. for years i've dreamed about this itinerary around the mediterranean, going from barcelona to venice....
a new one to add...
6) don't stretch myself too thin.
i need to get in the habit of saying no when i really need to say no, rather than making myself crazy and stressed trying to fit everything in. this especially goes with volunteer opportunities at church and in the community, and my photography. there were several weekends this year where i realized i was just trying too hard to do too much. and having several relaxing days recently...well, it made me remember what that was like. and i've missed it. so here's to more relaxing, stress-free days :)
so--what are your plans for 2010?